Obi has been the origin of the craftsmanship of Tatsumura since the establishment, under the slogan of "Restoration and originality; One and only sense of beauty."
In order to answer the voices of customers wanting distinctive character for daily used items, high quality items are produced. See LIFE STYLE COLLECTION fromhere.
Drop curtains that beautifully color the theaters and concert halls. Images drawn by master artisans are woven by one of the largest looms in the world.
Interior fabric which covers the atmosphere with dignity and tenderness. Adopted by interiors of many households and first-class hotels.
Art panel which is made of woven fabrics to create a one-of-a-kind, high-quality space.
"Kesouhin" is an ornamental fabric which decorate floats used in festivals. Tatsumura Textile make, restore, and repair these fabrics.
Tatsumura Textile design, and produce interior materials ( seats, curtains, etc.) for railway vehicles as such as Shinkansen and airplanes.